"Tragedy sparks renewed interest in public service"

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Tue Sep 18 07:52:51 PDT 2001

Tragedy sparks renewed interest in public service
By Kellie Lunney

Many federal employees who have retired from public service are eager to 
return to work in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks, according to 
officials at the Office of Personnel Management. Other agencies, including 
the CIA and Coast Guard, have also reported a surge in interest among 
retirees and other people people eager to go to work for the government. 
"We have been getting a number of phone calls throughout our Employment 
Service Office from individual retirees interested in coming back to work 
to help out if they are needed," said Ellen Tunstall, assistant director 
for employment policy at OPM. Tunstall said OPM did not have specific 
numbers yet on how many people have offered to return. OPM has set up an 
e-mail address for federal retirees who are interested in returning to 
government service. Interested retirees can e-mail OPM at patriot at opm.gov. 
Those interested in applying for jobs with the federal government should 
refer to the USAJOBS Web site, OPM officials said. Under normal 
circumstances, re-employed federal retirees are required by law to take a 
reduction in pay or benefits if they want to return to government 
employment, but OPM announced last week that it is prepared to give agency 
heads the authority to grant waivers, and will respond to such requests 

Full story: http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0901/091701m1.htm

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