American Muslims being attacked and harassed

Matthew Gaylor freematt at
Thu Sep 13 12:05:03 PDT 2001

Unfortunately I've been getting reports from around the US of 
American Muslims being attacked and harassed.  If you want to stay on 
top of the latest news I recommend that you subscribe to The Muslim 
Student Association News mailing list (MSANEWS).  The list is fairly 
high volume, but does contain most of the news and perspectives from 
the Muslim and Islamic communities worldwide.

To subscribe, send e-mail to:
<listserver at> with the message
body "subscribe MSANEWS Firstname Lastname".

MSANEWS Home Page:   <>
Comments to the Editors:   <msanews-ed at>
Submissions for MSANEWS:   <msanews at>
Problems with subscription:   <msaosu at>

Regards,  Matt-

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