Osama bin Laden as SF fan

Duncan Frissell frissell at panix.com
Wed Oct 31 11:21:48 PST 2001

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Ken Brown wrote:

> Ken McLeod posted the following to rec.arts.sf.fandom
> > Forwarded with permission from China Mieville, fantasy writer
> > and student of international relations:
> >> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> >> My supervisor, an expert in the Middle East, told me about a
> >> rumour circulating about the name of Bin Laden's network.
> >> The term 'Al-Qaeda' seems to have no political precedent in
> >> Arabic, and has therefore been something of a conundrum to
> >> the experts, until someone pointed out that a very popular
> >> book in the Arab world, Arabs apparently being big readers
> >>  of translated SF, is Asimov's _Foundation_, the title of
> >>  which is translated as 'Al-Qaeda'.



Apparently, "al-Qaeda"  means "the base." Which will almost certainly
lead to an obnoxious rash of "al your Qaeda are belong to U.S." sightings.


The name came into use when Osama used his cash to bankroll a series of
bases in Pakistan to assist fighters on their way Afghanistan to fight the
Commies.  He used the opportunity to collect a rather valuable direct
marketing list of somme 40,000 names and addresses of dedicated Musselman
Warriors for future use.  Wonder what dbase software he uses?

"War is a great excuse to get out of the house and away from the
wife and kids."

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