Why Plan-9?

Morten Liebach morten at hotpost.dk
Sun Oct 21 15:15:47 PDT 2001

On 21, Oct, 2001 at 04:13:26PM -0500, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>      I agree, Plan 9 looks very interesting, but then, so does MOSIX
> http://www.mosix.org/ which is also a distributed (kernel implemented)
> OS based on linux.

In our local Linux User Group we tried setting it up 2 years ago, and it
was quite easy, and really funny to see how the jobs were shufled

It worked very well, but (at least back then) there were no crypto in
it, only a distributed filesystem, but we didn't try that.

Have a nice day

Morten Liebach <morten at hotpost.dk>
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