The Crypto-Financial Paradox

Ryan Lackey ryan at
Wed Nov 21 15:26:14 PST 2001

Bob Hettinga wrote:

> Quoting "Blanc <blancw at>":

> > But sometimes it seems like it will be a Cold Day in Hell before
> > that happens.

> > (Ryan, would you make this your next project?
> >  We'd all appreciate it *ever* so much.)

I think I've figured out why ecash hasn't been deployed.

1) "Math is hard!  Let's go shopping!"
2) Yet, ecash can be used for shopping.

The resulting paradox has rendered ecash a logical impossibility :)

> Not to un-swash his buckle, and all that, because he really deserves
> massive kudos for what he's done with HavenCo., but Ryan's already
> tried that, once before, on Anguilla, if we all remember, and it
> wasn't at all pretty (cf. Declan's articles earlier this year about
> the E-Gold/Systemics pissing contest).

Twice, actually, if you count HINDE.

(unclear if 0 for 2 is better than 0 for 1; I actually think so.
 Better than 0 for 0 regardless.)

Ryan Lackey [RL7618 RL5931-RIPE]	ryan at
CTO and Co-founder, HavenCo Ltd.	+44 7970 633 277 
the free world just milliseconds away
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