Mail filters in qmail?

Declan McCullagh declan at
Tue Nov 6 20:27:12 PST 2001

I'm not that familiar with qmail, but I was under the impression it
was an MTA like postfix or sendmail. I presume you intended to ask
about procmail.

Put this in your procmail.rc file before your cypherpunks rule:

Insert in the new $PMDIR/kill.rc file something like this:
* ^From:.*?ravage at .*?*

I suspect you don't have to include the last .* (don't recall).
Do a search for procmail FAQs for far more details than you ever wanted.


On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 12:46:58AM -0000, Dr. Evil wrote:
> Ok, I have come to the conclusion that this list is unbearable without
> some filters.  Can someone recomend what is the easiest way to drop
> email from certain posters, using the Qmail system?  I just want
> something simple which won't require me to learn some new
> super-powerful filter ruleset description language.  I just want to be
> able to say, "If it comes from ravage at ... please discard."
> Thanks

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