AP is *not* the point

Anonymous mix at mix2.hyperreal.pl
Sat Mar 31 21:38:41 PST 2001

>Um, he's not *advocating*.  He pointed out that such systems were

So he is new Galileo then.

Shattering the geocentrism endangered only the theological dogma,
and he almost got barbecued. The church in question admitted wrongdoing
350 years after Galileo's death (in 1992). 

The mere intensity of state's handling of Jim Bell suggests
that there is something genuine about AP, but what it is still escapes me.

On another hand, maybe I would doubt Galileo as well.

Cypherpunk Movement Secretary

ps. I want to remind everyone not to miss the secret meeting
in Washington, DC, on April 13, 8 pm, at Pedro's.

(this message is intended only for Cypherpunk members)

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