Zone On the Range

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Wed Mar 28 08:38:20 PST 2001

Peter wrote:

> I've come to the conclusion that Jim is
> unable to see things from another's
> viewpoint, and so regards it a bad trade
> to spend 30 seconds of his own time to
> save man-hours of wasted effort by his
> readers.

I'm torn between this "social retardation" explanation and the feeling that
Jim is obnoxious simply to get attention.  In either case, his social skills
certainly are INCHOATE (look it up, Jim).  I used to be pissed off by the
guy.  Now, I mostly just feel pity for him.

> The result, of course, is that he becomes
> progressively less effective at
> communication, as more and more people
> tune him out due to the low value of his
> postings.

Yup, I don't have a kill fill, per se, but I've come to expect a very low
level of Cypherpunk relevance from Jim's random URLs as well as extremely
poor analytical skills when he does write something.  Jim either says too
little or way to much--and it's usually garbage.  I delete 95% of his stuff
without reading it.

 S a n d y

If the law of gravity is fundamental, why can’t it be changed
by Constitutional amendment since it’s the primary authority?

                           W         W
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   The Road Kill Group     |*|     |*|
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