Potatos. [was: John Doe vs. John Doe...]

Trei, Peter ptrei at rsasecurity.com
Thu Mar 22 16:38:11 PST 2001

> Jim Choate[SMTP:ravage at einstein.ssz.com]
> On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Trei, Peter wrote:
> > I fell awfully tempted NOT to inform Jim that potato leaves are
> poisonous
> > :-)
> Clearly not personal experience talking.
Of course not! I try to learn from *other* peoples mistakes.



2. Saponins (e.g. tomatine in tomato, solanine in potato) 
a. Natural soaps (as in century plants (Agave))- develop bubbles 
    but poke holes in membranes (by aggregating cholesterol)
b. Causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
c. Solanine present in potato (Solanum tuberosum) - most of 
    plant except tubers is poisonous. Tuber contains solanine
    too, but toxic dose is about 100 potatoes. Green potatoes 
    (which turn green after exposure to sunlight) can cause fatal
    poisonings. Green and damaged potatoes are even more toxic. 


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