The Private Secretary Of The Most Honorable Sir

Aimee Farr aimee.farr at
Sun Mar 4 10:51:02 PST 2001

The Most Honorable Sir:

And the girl was amazed and reached out with both hands to take the lovely
toy; but the wide-pathed earth yawned there in the plain of Nysa, and the
lord, Host of Many, with his immortal horses sprang out upon her -- the Son
of Cronos, He who has many names.

Thou O Spirit, That Illumin, I did not invoke Thee, Thou from the first Wast
present, who first taught the chosen Seed. The trim-ankled pick flowers in
the fields of Eleusis, not the Fruit Of that Forbidden Tree. Do you secretly
put in the mouth sweet seeds? Long before Them, she knew of Thee.

Happy is he among men upon earth who has seen these mysteries; but she who
is uninitiate and who has no part in them, never has lot of like good things
once she is dead, down in the darkness and gloom.

May you and yours assert Eternal Providence, And justifie the wayes of God
to men.

Yours in respect and service,

Aimee E. Farr, Esq.

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