Stocknight- THLT Energy Related News Just Released

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Thu Jun 28 15:11:20 PDT 2001

[]                                                 [Image]

  Issue 9                                                June 28, 2001

   Editor's Note                                              [Image]

   Once again, StockNight has been presented with the opportunity to
   provide to our members a press release issued AFTER market,
   meaning that unlike the majority of corporate news the average
   investor normally hears about LAST, this information has not yet
   been acted on by the investing community. Whenever possible, we
   strongly encourage companies to put the news we feature out after
   the bell to level the playing field and give OUR subscribers a
   chance to react FIRST.

   Like the rest of you, we have been barraged with news about the
   "Energy Crisis" and the urgent measures being discussed to remedy
   the problem. To gauge the magnitude of this issue in the media
   simply look at the coverage CNN is giving it. <Read Energy Crisis

   As you read further in today's StockNight  you'll also find that
   the issue is now quite global.

   Today's breaking news comes from  a company whose business is in
   the heart of this electric issue. TechLite (OTCBB: THLT) can help
   clients take their first step towards  energy conservation. They
   provide state-of-the-art energy efficient lighting retrofit
   components which can provide more and better lighting while
   reducing energy costs (the power bill) by 50% or more. We strongly
   suggest that you read the following and keep THLT on your watch

   Breaking News                                              [Image]

     TechLite, Inc. Announces Additional $5 - $7 Million in Regional
          Sales Goals Projected by New Vice President of Sales

   TULSA, Okla.--(NEWS WIRE)--June 28, 2001 (18 mins after the
   bell)--Brad Boyett, based in Austin, Tex., has joined TechLite
   Inc. (OTCBB:THLT) as Vice President of Sales.

   Mr. Boyett will manage the company's regional marketing and expand
   the sales force in the Central Southwest. In announcing the new
   position, President and CEO Jim Arvidson said, ``We are extremely
   pleased and excited to have someone of Brad's experience join our
   team and know that he can help take us to the next level in our
   efforts to become the leading National Lighting Retrofit Company
   in the country.''

   Brad Boyett has been in the Energy Conservation Business for over
   20 years and brings an impressive record of accomplishments and an
   outstanding reputation of quality lighting projects to TechLite.

   TechLite Inc. is in the energy services business and offers
   companies opportunities to reduce operating expenses by
   engineering and installing state-of-the-art turnkey Energy
   Efficient Lighting systems and retrofits in their facilities.
   These upgrades reduce lighting bills up to 60% and offer a return
   of investment of 40% to 60%. Brad's sales goal for TechLite's
   Central Southwest region is $5-$7 million over the next twelve

   The release has been excerpted. Click here for the entire relase:

   Tuesday's News
   TechLite Announces International Expansion. Brazil office to Open.

   J.D. Arvidson, President of TechLite, Inc. announced that TechLite
   is in the process of opening a TechLite branch in Sao Paulo,

   Arvidson points out that Brazil, which is currently beginning six
   months of obligatory electricity rationing, is faced with an
   energy crisis that is rapidly getting worse and threatens to
   cripple Latin America's largest economy. This obligatory
   electricity rationing is in response to what increasingly
   resembles a California-style energy crisis.

   Three quarters of the 170 million Brazilians have been told that
   they must immediately cut consumption by 20% or face rolling
   black-outs and unscheduled power interruptions. Few Brazilians had
   any inkling of the seriousness of the crisis until the government
   announced the conservation measures in mid-May, sparing only the
   Amazon districts and the far South. As the harsh reality of the
   situation sinks in, the initial shock and anger are giving way to
   a grim realization that nearly every aspect of life will be

   Release has been excerpted. Click Here to Read it in its Entirety

   Addtional THLT Links & Data

   Profile and Vital Statistics

   Investor Relations

   All THLT News

   Techlite Home Page

   Ask Investor Relations a Question

          Question of the day: Should Microsoft be Broken Up?
      Click here to comment on this and other Social and Political

   Disclaimer & Safe Harbor Statement:

   This fact sheet contains “forward-looking statements” within the
   meaning of Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995,
   Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the
   Securities Exchange Act of the 1934.  These forward-looking
   statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking
   terminology such as “may”, “could”, “expected to” and “believes.”
   Actual events or  performance involve risks and uncertainties that
   could differ materially from those anticipated in such
   forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual
   results to differ materially from those projected in
   forward-looking statements include competition, themanagement of
   our growth and the ability to deliver new products to market on
   time.  Such forward-looking statements are subject to other risks
   and uncertainties, which are detailed in the Company’s filings
   with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

   Disclaimer: is a property of Market Pathways Financial
   Relations Incorporated (MP).  The information, opinions and
   analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be
   reliable but no representation, expressed or implied, is made as
   to its accuracy, completeness or correctness.  Any information,
   opinions or analysis regarding the subject company to which has provided a link or other detail are provided by
   sources believed to be reliable but no representation, expressed
   or implied, is made as to its accuracy, completeness or
   correctness.  This report is for information purposes only and
   should not be used as the basis for any investment decision.  MP
   currently owns 9,000 shares of THLT common stock for previous
   services rendered and has been compensated a total of 32,582
   shares of THLT common stock by Capital Growth Partners Inc. for
   multiple placements in MP publications and other services.  This
   constitutes a conflict of interest as to MP’s ability to remain
   objective in its communication regarding the subject company.
   Write or call MP for detailed disclosure as required by Rule 17b
   of the Securities Act of 1933/1934.    MP is not an investment
   advisor and this report is not investment advice.  This
   information is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell
   securities.  Information contained herein contains forward-looking
   statements and is subject to significant risks and uncertainties,
   which will affect the results.  The opinions contained herein
   reflect our current judgment and are subject to change without
   notice.  MP and/or its affiliates, associates and employees from
   time to time may have either a long or short position in
   securities mentioned.  Information contained herein may not be
   reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent
   of Market Pathways Financial Relations Incorporated.  Copyright
   2001 MP

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