Teach Me!!!

Steve Thompson stevet at sendon.net
Wed Jun 27 17:41:23 PDT 2001

Quoting Codi (cmardom at yahoo.com):
> HI, Please teach me how to hack!!!

1) Buy a computer and take it home from store.

2) Buy an empty 55 gallon drum and bolt it to your house's basement floor.

3) Fill 55 gallon drum 1/4 full of concrete.  Allow to cure.

4) Put computer in drum.

5) Pour additional concrete in drum until filled.

7) Watch drum until concrete is fully cured.

8) Enjoy your new and somewhat secure computer.



``In this connexion perhaps I may be allowed to utter a mild protest against
one of the more recent of modern fashions.  In days which are not so very
remote, the most respectful criticisms of orthodox theology used to be
dismissed with the retort that all unbelief is sin.  Now, it seems to me, the
boot is on the other leg.  The whole of religion and many of our moral beliefs
are apt to be dismissed on the ground that they are the product of complexes
into the nature of which it would, before the present era, have been
considered indelicate to inquire.''

      -- H. J. Paton, ``Fashion and Philosophy''

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