The Credentialling of America

Morlock Elloi morlockelloi at
Thu Jun 7 22:59:17 PDT 2001

>And to never write the way poets do, oddballs do, gibbering
>idiots do, for that will allegedly diminish the value of your
>writing the way the payers want you to write, that is to

The language is extremely powerful. Many do not realise that, so, to follow
anon's analogy, VB-heads keep on droning correctly, and cannot even think
outside microsoft-sponsored visual basic. For them it is the blessed and only
way for their fucked audience to "understand" (and compiler to compile).

They look down to snippets of machine code, which they cannot write, because
for them the writing is equal to scripting microsoft's interpreter. I bet that
many deny the very existance of assembly programs.

But machine instructions can be really dangerous, they can fuck up the brain
with new associations and synapses, and do things which VB-ers cannot dream of,

For writing VB-shit by pathetic "wordsmiths" is not really writing at all. It
is just symbolic xeroxing of master's 5 commandments in 17 prescribed shades.
Nothing can be said in VB, really.

If we had "they live" sunglasses while reading the correct shit, the five words
would be all that can be seen - Obey, obey, obey, obey, obey.

JYA, write while you can, because soon what VB flags as syntax error will be
illegal, pornographic, pedofillic. 

--- another thread

> grammatical correctness.  I DO favor comprehensibility.  Don't you think

You are deluding yourself if you think that your notion of "comprehensibility"
is somehow universally shared and agreed upon. That is, outside windoze 2000.
And preaching official standards is outright tasteless. This is a
self-contradictory statement, of course. And that one also.

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