NRA Prints HALF Of The Story (Barniskis)? at at
Tue Jul 31 16:56:17 PDT 2001

Hmm. Let me get this straight. Project Gulag is the best 
thing for RKBA since, what was it, I don't know, the 
Nazi Gun Control Act of 1938?


That's the core Project Gulag mantra, and it didn't take 
a rocket scientist to predict that the overt enemy, HCI 
et al., would accept it with open arms, make it their 
own program, and run with it. Why do you think NRA now 
holds press conferences with HCI to support it? Do you 
really think the anti-gunners are that stupid?

Sometimes the "Winning" Team adds a mumble or two about 
aiming Project Gulag against "criminals." Well what the 
hell do you think most of us already are who refuse to 
comply with those existing gun laws we tried to stop 
from being enacted in the first place?

And don't tell me NRA management's "Winning" Team gives 
a rat's ass about putting potential felons like me and 
most other gun rights activists in prison. That's why 
their infomercial says "then he did what any decent, law-
abiding citizen would do, and turned in his guns."

That quote reveals the mindset of NRA's "Winning" Team 
management. It's a pro-police-state, authority 
worshipping team. If Feinstein passes a law, they expect 
you to obey it. And if you don't, they'll help send you 
up the river right along with the murderers, convenience 
store robbers, serial rapists, and child molesters. All 
you have to do is get caught ignoring an existing gun 
law, or a new one.

I wish it was just incompetence, but it's not. 

And I wish I didn't know about it. Life was happier when 
I could believe NRA was run by more or less well-
intentioned, if not totally competent people. But it 
isn't, and having served on the board, I bear the burden 
of first hand knowledge. It's not pleasant to have to 
tell grown men there's no gun rights tooth fairy.

Too many folks are compelled by nature to believe that 
everything NRA does is by definition right, and if it 
doesn't appear to be right, than somehow it must be part 
of a diabolically good plan hatched by masterminds 
that'll work out for us in the end. I was once one of 
those folks, and I'm here to urge you to get over it. 

Do the movement a favor; cut the tribalistic worship 
routine and stop treating NRA like a sacred cow, 
immutable in nature. It's not. It's run by real people, 
increasingly those who are helping destroy our heritage 
of freedom. There's a Wizard of Oz behind the drapes, 
and he's not on our side.

Yes, most of us need something to believe in. But the 
NRA is important only because of the good or harm it can 
do to our heritage. Loyalty to the Constitution is 
vastly more important than blind loyalty to the NRA. And 
being loyal to the rightful mission of the NRA, which I 
am, has long been dangerously inconsistent with blind 
loyalty to NRA management, especially the 
current "Winning" Team Junta.

Russ Howard
> From:           	Neal Lang <NealL at>
> Subject:        	RE: NRA Prints HALF Of The Story (Barniskis)?
> Date sent:      	Tue, 31 Jul 2001 15:51:26 -0400
> > Hi, Angel,
> > 
> > If I get real ambitious and write the definitive expose' on why
> > "Project Exile" is the best thing for the "right to keep and bear
> > arms" since the discovery of smokeless powder, would you have the
> > "good sense" publish same on your site?
> > 
> > Keep the Faith,
> > 
> > Neal
> Sure.  If you don't mind publishing your eddress so I don't have to 
> invest hours on end listening to people shotgun your false 
> assumptions, oversights and miscalcualtions.  :-)
> Knock yourself out.  Stick it here:
> Better yet, and much preferred, be the first to challenge exact excerpts 
> from the Project Exile Condemnation Coalition's statement -- so you 
> can heal us poor, misguided fools of our afflictions:
> Shamaya Smartaleck

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