where's dildo? if he's not white, at Texas Southern University

Ray Dillinger bear at sonic.net
Thu Jul 26 21:50:33 PDT 2001

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Subcommander Bob wrote:

>Report: TSU Law School Admissions Too Easy

You know, I don't have a problem with a school that's easy to 
get into.  Heck, I graduated from one.  It is right and proper 
that there should be schools easy to get into.  It is also right 
and proper that the graduating classes at such schools are about 
a quarter or a third the size of the incoming classes (and that 
after a bunch of people transfer in as sophomores or juniors 
from community colleges).

I say let the people try.  If they truly can do the work, then 
let them graduate.  If not, well, at least they had the chance. 
If they're paying their own way, it's no skin off anybody else's 
nose, and I'd say it's their right to hire teachers if they can.

It's graduations that should be hard, not admissions.


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