binding keys to meat makes our job so much easier..

Subcommander Bob bob at
Tue Jul 17 19:27:08 PDT 2001

>From: Paul Elliott <pelliott at>
>In order to participate in the party, please take the following

>(B) email your public key to me by noon the day before the party July
>    Please indicate in your subject line the nature of the message.

Please do not include anything that may confuse the Carnivore box on my

>    I will use these keys to prepare a list of key IDs and
>    fingerprints which will facilitate the party. I will Xerox
>    this list.

My FBI handler gets a copy, of course.

>(C) Bring 2 things to the party:
>    (b) Identification, preferably picture identification to
> prove that you are you.

Why should you need State Paperwork to assert that
some chunk of meat wishes to associate with some

>        The party will be run according to the non-coercion
> principle. No one is required to bring any particular
> form of ID.
> However, the non-coercion principle works two ways.
> If that ID that you bring does not persuade other people
> that you are you, then they are not required to sign
> your KEY!
> My advice, try a drivers license if possible.

Preferably someone else's.

Why not bring some Draft Registration cards from the Post Office, too.

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