hash/reputation server

Morlock Elloi morlockelloi at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 14 01:26:37 PDT 2001

These folks provide hash/tag directory for peer-to-peer file sharing.


>From  http://www.bitzi.com/developer/code :

"Bitprint Definition

Our distinctive bitprint is actually a combination of several nonproprietary
cryptographic hash values.

We take both the SHA1 hash of a file, and the "TigerTree" hash of a file.
TigerTree is based on the Tiger hash algorithm, applied to each 1024-byte block
of a file, then combined up through a binary hash tree to a final summary

Such a composited hash tree value allows compact proofs that file fragments
combine to form the full file - a useful quality for verifying or resuming
downloads-in-progress from unreliable peers, among other applications. "

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