Meatspace anonymity manual

Sampo Syreeni decoy at
Mon Jul 9 13:36:08 PDT 2001

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, A. Melon wrote:

>They've got a good idea -- one of the tactics used by cops for quite
>awhile is to have undercover agents in the crowd who spot the *real*
>troublemakers, leaders, etc. and then often an "affinity squad" will
>target that individual. By making it very difficult to differentiate any
>individuals, that whole cop tactic becomes useless.

So there will be joint prosecutions, with each of the Bloc-ers receiving
indictments for *all* of the "operations" performed. I also think such
aggressive demonstrations will make the police even more trigger-happy than
they are now.

>The other part of the bloc is that by staying together in a tight group,
>they can grab arrestees from the cops more easily. We used to have groups
>of two or three who worked together this way, more is better.

The only logical conclusion I can see to skirmishes between black-clad
anarchists, going on "street operations", and governmental riot control
forces, is that the police are eventually given the right to just gun the
protestors down, irregardless of whether they have *done* anything. Unless
the Bloc actually has enough muscle to overthrow something before then,
which I highly doubt, their raising the stakes seems fairly unwise.

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy, mailto:decoy at, gsm: +358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university,

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