Black Bloc on Broadway

John Doe #2 jd at
Sat Jul 7 03:19:27 PDT 2001

At 04:52 PM 7/6/01 -0400, Faustine wrote:
>A few acts of vandalism isn't exactly anything I'd call significant.

Yes the smells-like-teen-spirit-'anarchists' are good for little more
than a laugh,
though they're setting themselves up as the next domestic boogeymen
after the militia
fades from view.  The Bloc is just a rung on the career ladder of an up
and coming Fed.  Easy meat, low hanging fruit, teenagers strung out from
Robo sessions 'cause Jenna has their fake ID.

The Earth First and ALF folks are a little more effective, and direct,
and a lot
less theatrical ---though leaving a golf ball with a circle-A on it
after you torch
a place is a cute, if risky, touch.   They are more righteous, too; the
anti-WTO folks
are all about simple, dirty money.  Yawn.  EF/ALF can approach religious
though no one has intentionally self-martyr'd yet.

>it's kind of sad that you really think anyone with real power and
>actually gives a damn about anything that happens at these protests to
>begin with.

Its sadder actually to consider the mindset of the protesters who take
seriously.  Maybe the Feds will arrange to have more entertaining MTV
broadcast during
the next Summits, to keep Biff & Buffy home.

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