[Re: The meek will inherit what, exactly?]

LUIS VILDOSOLA lvild at usa.net
Tue Feb 13 13:33:03 PST 2001

You have made a point, I share your view.
That's the focal point to power struggles.

You want it all but nature does not allow it all.

To me the question is,
what are the protocols under which a dynamic stability can
be achieved that goes beyond the design of an encryption protocol?

mmotyka at lsil.com wrote:
> > I regard that one verse, and its implications, as one of the most 
> > dire, tragic, and hopeless of all the prophecies in the bible. 
> >
> >                                Bear
> >
> The tragedy of that one verse is the result of that go forth and
> multiply horseshit that some mindless fuckwits actually think still
> makes sense.
> The meek will inherent only a big hobnailed boot imprint in the middle
> of their backs and a depleted and polluted planet. Of course the
> non-meek have to live in the same place as the meek so they're only
> fucking themselves over in the long run. 
> So, to end on an optimistic note, viva las cucarachas.
> Mike

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