Sacco,Vanzetti and the New England Mafia

mattd mattd at
Thu Dec 27 02:19:43 PST 2001

A member of the new england mafia was said to have bragged about committing 
the crime for which the anarchists were murdered in cold blood by the 
state.The region that gave us the Kennedy crime family and the Bush now 
Bush action gives safe harbor to FBI `terrorists'
by Howie Carr c/o jorlin grabbe.
Friday, December 14, 2001
So President Bush, fighting terrorism abroad, now invokes executive 
privilege to keep us from getting to the bottom of FBI terrorism back home.
I don't understand. Except in terms of the body count, what's the 
difference between an al-Qaeda savage on Tora Bora and a crooked G-man in 
A badge, and that's about it.
They both kill Americans or help fiends who do. And when they're 
confronted, they run away and hide. The Arabs cower in caves, the retired 
FBI agents sun themselves in Florida.
Considering what we already know about the 30-year crime wave engineered by 
the Boston office of the FBI, how much worse stuff must there be in those 
files that we still don't know about?
And now we may never know, thanks to Bush's invocation of executive privilege.
And another thing: If this sort of FBI misconduct has been going on in 
Boston, which is, let's face it, a Mafia backwater, then what exactly do 
you suppose the feds have been up to in places like Chicago and New York? 
We know something about the ``rogue'' FBI agent in New York who tipped off 
one faction in the Colombo crime family to the machinations of another 
crew, leading to various rubouts and attempted hits.
Now you have to figure that there's worse stuff out there, much worse.
Why else would Bush wait to do this until the same day that they release 
the Osama videotape, make the official announcement renouncing the ABM 
treaty, and come ever closer to finishing off the terrorists in Tora Bora.
Bush and Ashcroft were trying to bury the story.
Not releasing these radioactive FBI files is so important that the 
Republican administration thumbed its nose at the Republican House of 
Representatives. Immediately affected was Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) who 
subpoenaed the documents relating to the FBI's use of informants in Boston 
dating back to the 1960s.
``They don't want to create a precedent,'' said one Boston attorney 
yesterday. ``But the problem is, this can of worms is already opened.''
Is it ever. Back in 1965, the feds got word that Teddy Deegan, a small-time 
hood (and uncle of future Dukakoid criminal Gerry Indelicato) was on the 
Lucky Strike Hit Parade. The feds didn't tell Deegan he was going to get 
hit, and guess what. He got hit.
The FBI knew who whacked Deegan, but they still let four guys who didn't do 
it go to prison for 30 years, where two of them died, innocent men. The FBI 
dummied up as their own hitman-turned-informant perjured himself, to 
protect the brother of another gangster they were grooming as their next 
big rat, one Steve Flemmi.
Osama had a jihad against the infidels, and that justified absolutely 
anything. The FBI had a jihad against the Italians, and ditto.
As usually happens whenever somebody thinks God is on their side, the 
bodies started piling up. The FBI's hoods needed multiple death pits to 
hide the corpses. Young girls were raped, city neighborhoods were flooded 
with cocaine, the state payrolls were inundated with gangsters. 
Law-enforcement was subverted - local, state and federal.
President Bush, I believe we have a right to know how a federal agency 
aided and abetted serial killers.
``I believe,'' Bush wrote, ``congressional access to these documents would 
be contrary to the national interest.''
But these gangsters and their crooked-cop enablers were going after 
American citizens.
Howie Carr's radio show can be heard every weekday afternoon on WRKO-AM 
680, WHYN-AM 560, WGAN-AM 560, WXTK 95.1 FM or online at
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