Tim May on the end of a rope.

mattd mattd at useoz.com
Wed Dec 26 21:13:30 PST 2001

 >>The Trots I encountered in Australia seemed remarkably similar to the 
Trotsky that I found in the history books. Perhaps that is why they called 
themselves Trotskyists.<<

  I attack the aussi trots at every chance.It helps not to confuse them 
with anarchists. 57 varieties and all of them poisonous

 >>The story of the Russian radical left is full of hypocrisy, betrayal and 
murder. The story of the Catalonian radical left is also full of very 
similar hypocrisy, betrayal and murder, with the added twist that in 
Catalonia the anarchist nomenclatura was sold by the anarchist leadership 
into the hands of their enemies.<<

Um,anarchists being sold out by "leadership".Anarchists don't have 
leadership,if they did they did they wouldn't be anarchists.The story of 
every political movement is full of hypocrisy, betrayal and murder.That's 
why I choose anarchism to minimize my chances of those things happening to me.

 >>The differences that seem so big and important from the inside, are 
small from the outside. <<

You should't hang with 'punks into C/anarchy then,are you insane?The police 
state might crucify you.
Chompsky seems to have not addressed anarchism for over 20 years.His essay 
remains the best hirstorical one Ive seen on Spain.(Objectivity and liberal 

 >>I notice that you approvingly cite Huben's FAQ, whose central argument 
is that the federal government is the rightful owner of everything in the 
USA. <<

I read widely and quote selectively and sometimes provocatively,thanks for 
the heads up on Huben.The central argument of the federal govt seems to be 
that they own the friggin world.The best way to shake them of that 
misconception seems to me to be anarchy.libertarian 
socialist,crypto-anarchic good old fashioned ANARCHY.Viva,anarchia,VIVA!

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