Poor little child pornographer

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Sat Dec 15 08:54:23 PST 2001

On Fri, Dec 14, 2001 at 06:34:02PM -0600, measl at mfn.org wrote:
> Examples please?  "All the time"?  I have *never once* heard of such an act
> by an LEO, and my range of experience is both personal and anecdotal.  The
> more usual act is that the <insert agency here> will first offer a plea, and
> if rebuffed, will "decline to prosecute".  Some time thereafter, the former

Good points, all. It may be instructive to consider the case of the
Maryland police officer who was convicted and sentenced to 10 years
recently for turning a police dog loose on an unresisting suspect.

Instead of distancing themselves from this sadistic officer, and saying
that such behavior is beyond the pale, her fellow officers protested
and declared a work "slowdown." The union was all for it.

Don't look for a fast response from 911 calls, I guess, if you live
in certain Maryland suburbs of DC.

The Washington Post wrote an editorial condemning this thuggish tactic
on the part of "Maryland's finest."


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