FreeSWAN & US export controls

Jim Choate ravage at
Wed Dec 12 04:55:40 PST 2001

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> Sigh. Choate on court decisions is like Ashcroft on civil liberties.
> Neither understands them.

Ad hominim, ad hominim, ad nausium.

Grow up Declan.

> (Though I admit that Choate makes a common-sense point that does not,
> alas, jibe the rulings in the crypto cases.)

The rulings ARE what we're talking about changing. In addition we're not
talking about what IS but what SHOULD be.

Your assertions of 'how it will be' and 'how it should be' are no more
valid than mine (and a hell of a lot less accurate if you go back and look
at what actually happened).

No, the current bitching over crypto and IP will be resolved in the next
ten years. One way or another. And to decide how we, as individuals,
should participate and to what end is guided by NOTHING else than common
sense (Isn't there a very important book with a similar title that's of
some import to this discussion?).


             Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

                                             Bumper Sticker

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
                           -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

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