Send Law Students, Idealists and Grant Proposals. Was: Re: Lawyers, Guns, and Money

Declan McCullagh declan at
Sat Aug 25 07:50:47 PDT 2001

On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 11:31:15PM -0700, Black Unicorn wrote:
> you will, but the partners are hiring their little associates for one reason,
> to pay for those cherry wood offices and the but the odds are awfully slim you
> will be working on the DMCA.  There are so many lawyers out there right now

Right. Look at who did handle the only DMCA trial: Martin Garbus, someone
whose personality may be lacking in some ways, but not a lawyer who came right
out of law school.

> I'm not sure how EFF pays, I suspect not particularly well.  The high end
> corporate firms generally start their first year associates around $110-125k
> or so for top end of the top school graduates.  More in New York maybe.  The
> _median_ salary for a Stanford law grad is $95,000.00 if they go into
> corporate practice.  Just over $40,000.00 for public sector work.

EFF in 1999:
Salaries and names of top officials: 
	Tara Lemmey		Exec. Director		$110,577
	Shari Steele		Legal Dir.		$82,400
Money spent on salary: 	$ 462,368

CDT in 1999:
Salaries and names of top officials: 
	Alan Davidson		Staff Counsel		$ 59,125
	Deirdre Mulligan		Staff Counsel		$ 82,037
	James Dempsey		Calea Fellow		$ 95,221
	John Morris		Broadband Director	$ 71,923

These are all lawyers with a decade or more of work experience.


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