Remailer Phases

David Honig honig at
Thu Aug 9 10:01:18 PDT 2001

At 09:05 PM 8/7/01 -0500, Joseph Ashwood wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "A. Melon" <juicy at>
>Subject:  re: Remailer Phases
>> >   2. Operator probably trustworthy
>> Impossible, and unnecessary. Don't assume any remops are trustworthy.
>Actually it is absolutely necessary. If all operators are willing to
>collude, then your precious anonymity is completely lost. 

Joe, you're obviously new to the game.

The game is, design a protocol where you are resistant to some, but not
complete collusion (aka node failure).  And analyze as best you can your 
protocol's fault tree, including succeptibility to collusion.



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