WHERE'S DILDO (AND FRIENDS)? was: Spoliation cites

Harmon Seaver hseaver at ameritech.net
Fri Aug 3 10:43:04 PDT 2001

     Whooooieee! Question authority, you *MUST* be a village idiot. Pretty
strange attitude for someone on cpunks --- but pretty normal attitude for a
lawyer.  It's a sickness that comes from spending all that time reading such
boring crap. Or maybe it's congenital --- maybe you have to be born with a
predisposition to pomposity to be even able to spend all those hours absorbing
all that case law. Gag!
      And, of course, judges are the logical extension of this.

Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> C'punks,
> So by my count it looks as though we are now up to at least THREE village
> idiots.  Each convinced that he knows the law (not in theory, but as
> practiced in reality) better than the lawyers.
> There's a small black part of me that REALLY would enjoy seeing these three
> arrogantly childish ignoramuses in the docket, pissing their pants when the
> macho flash wears thin.
> Hey Jimbo, that LSAT "easy money" is still waiting for you to grow a pair.
>  S a n d y

Harmon Seaver, MLIS
Work 920-203-9633   hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Home 920-233-5820 hseaver at ameritech.net

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