CDR: Re: Bad Coding Practices

Steven Furlong sfurlong at
Fri Sep 29 08:04:31 PDT 2000

David Honig wrote:
> In yesterday's news the FAA was getting abuse for hiring lots
> of furriner-contractors with lapsed clearances to do y2k and other work.
> The feds fear the same subversion that citizens fear of the NSA.

I didn't see yesterday's news, but I've been watching this little
would-be drama for a year. Late last year it came to the attention of
the newsies that furriners were hired for a lot of the Y2K remediation
coding. Oh, no! They're probably deliberately breaking it so the US will
come crumbling down and they can take over!

Well, Jan 1 came and went and the light didn't even flicker.

Maybe six months ago the panic-mongers announced that the furriners
might have been putting in back doors all along. I don't know whether
the mongering comes from newsies anxious to sell copy or from crats
wanting to increase their budgets. Unspoken collusion, most likely.
Speaking from my own experience in working with a _lot_ of foreign
contract programmers, most of them are as capable and conscientious as a
randomly chosen selection of American programmers. A very large
fraction, 3/4 or more, want to stay here indefinitely.


Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere     Have GNU, will travel
   518-374-4720     sfurlong at

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