CDR: Letter from the President of

president at president at
Tue Oct 17 01:23:02 PDT 2000

Dear Match Member,

As we worked to launch a new, our number one goal was to deliver a site that met the high expectations set by members like you. Despite careful planning, we were forced to move to the new Match sooner than desired as a result of serious technical problems with the old system. This prevented the important testing and perfecting necessary in the roll out of anything new. During the transition to the new site, we encountered some unanticipated difficulties.  I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and frustration these difficulties may have caused you.  

I would also like to thank you for your patience during the transition and express my sincerest gratitude to the many members that have provided invaluable feedback. Be assured that the entire Match Team is working around the clock to deliver the highest quality site possible.  

I think that it is equally important for me to address a collective sentiment felt by many members, which is “Why fix something if it isn’t broken?” In fact, the main impetus for this latest change was driven by two key challenges. First, the previous technical platform for Match was not stable and close to broken. This ultimately created serious limitations that would hamper our ability to serve you and the growing Match membership in the future. Secondly, in order to add exciting new features and functionality to the site, we had to move to a new platform.

On a closing note, I am pleased to announce at the time of this letter, everything on should be fully functional.  What does this mean to you the user:

1) We have your photos and are posting them to the site as quickly as possible. However, due to a backlog of approximately 19,000 photos, it may be early next week before all photos are visible.

2) All Member email correspondence is being delivered.  At one point, our email processor did experience an interruption in service, but we’ve resolved all email issues.

3) Your Customer Care questions should be answered promptly. As you can imagine when the site experienced difficulties, many users sent in email to the Customer Care Team causing a large backlog that took a while to work through.

4)  Matching now functions as it did before, returning the types of Matches you have come to expect.

Again I thank you for your patience and understanding and wish you the best of luck in finding your perfect match.

Cindy Hennessy

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