CDR: Re: Rijndael & Hitachi

John Young jya at
Thu Oct 5 07:51:35 PDT 2000

Has NIST provided other information on the Hitachi patent
and the USG's evaluation of it other than Jim Foti's
inscrutible comments on the discussion forum and 
similar inscrutibity in the R2 report?

If this is all there is, it stinks of rancid red herring being
called this year's never-you-mind perfume.

Did Hitachi hold a gun to somebody's head, was a deal
cut, is this an out held in reserve in case some fault is
discovered in Rijndael, was means found to modify
Rijndael to meet Hitachi's demand that has not been
disclosed, is the patent claim a fiction, a mistake, a
blowing of smoke.

Have the authors of Rijndael commented on Hitachi's

A little people wants to know what the big people are
hiding, or acting like they know we itty bittys don't have
a clue about, about how crypto is far too important
to tell the truth about, big gov and biz having their
own claims on NDA, patent, copyright, personal cum
national security, Ermil's cayenne, and stuff so hot
if you knew you'd spin too and call it truth.

The R2 report is so damn reasonable only a fool would
cavil what's this fishy smell.

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