CDR: on election eve: blunder, or forecast?

anonymous at anonymous at
Mon Nov 20 04:59:31 PST 2000

It seemed like our United New World Trading Order of Internationally
Banking Trilateral Masters were playing the cards close to their chest
this election.

Democracy was now showing the seams of the media's 1998 premature
release of the names of our (as yet) unelected masters. Had no-one
told the media whores at ABC that coming in the mouths of your
'consumer base' is considered bad taste?
One of the more prophylactic measures instituted by the pimps on the
hill was to stop revealing the results of the elections to the press
the week before they were counted, but this wasn't enough.

Somewhere in America, perhaps in your town, perhaps in your very
school, a little girl had stopped believing in democracy! 

The public faith in the democratic process, which had always been
strong, was now in danger of collapse. If election results were so
easily 'predicted', where was the incentive to vote? And if the public
didn't vote, they'd turn their energies to lobbying for special
interests, leaving the pimps as redundant as betamax.
Panic (and dare I say anarchy) reigned in the dimly lit back rooms of
Washington D.C. Somebody, anybody had to _do_ something, and do it

But, as always, the pimps had a solution. They asked the media to pull
one more trick for them. 
There would be an election, with two candidates so closely matched
that the public would be unable to decide between them. They would
have the same policies, make the same promises, and wear the same
The election would be so close, that a handful of voters would decide
the next President Of The United States. The media would tease the
public again and again with the final result, before snatching it back
in a tantric, fiery renewal of the democratic spirit.

And thus, The American Way was saved...

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    Date:Thu, 05 Nov 1998 08:56:34 -0500
    To:politech at
    From:Declan McCullagh <declan at>
    Subject:FC: on election eve: blunder, or forecast?
    Reply-To:declan at

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