CDR: " WE currently hiring SERIOUS HOMEWORKERS Position: Home Typist, Clerk, Secretary, Mail Processing, Supervisor, Manager...

trueopps at trueopps at
Sun Nov 19 10:51:38 PST 2000

Earn $3,500 -$5,000 per month! Experience is NOT necessary. Part time/full time. ANYWHERE in the world! 
This is a GREAT and EASY home business to start and REAL job for everyone. Apply now  

Please, be serious in accepting this job, because we are only hiring serious homeworkers.
We offer you a REAL job that you can do at home and increase your income. 

If you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme or MLM program, please do not e-mail me. 

If you are not interested please hit "Reply" and type in the word "Remove" in the subject field and you will not be contacted again. 
For more infomation please apply to

homeworker65 at 

Please provide a valid E-Mail Address so I may respond to you.

Please write short text those who are serious.

Thank you for your time

Mother of 1

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