vmware 2 Beta (with support for OS/2 as a guest OS)

Mario Grieb mgrieb at grieb.de
Thu Dec 21 05:51:33 PST 2000

Hallo Joe Cypherpunk,

I have read in http://www.shmoo.com/mail(cypherpunks/mar00/msg/00133shtml a
Mail from VMware Team to you.
Can you mail me the Beta of VMWare 2 with support for OS/2 as a guest OS? I
can't find it on www.vmware.com.


Mario Grieb
Informationstechnik GRIEB GmbH / http://www.grieb.de
EMail: mario.grieb at grieb.de
Tel : 06054 / 911911
Fax : 06054 / 6334

63633 Birstein, Langgasse 31

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