<Perry's list>

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Fri Dec 8 19:29:40 PST 2000

At 2:26 AM +0100 12/9/00, Mats O. Bergstrom wrote:
>At 10:52 2000-12-08 -0800, Tim May wrote:
>>[cryptography at c2.net removed from the distribution list. They claimed
>>not to want any politics discussion, and they are a closed list, so
>>why is political discussion going to it?]
>As I remember ancient history it was the coderpunks offspin refusing
>any politics while "Perry's list" - cryptography - started with the intent of
>allowing  crypto-politics and related subjects that the moderator  would
>let through. Anyway, "Perrygrams" have become almost extinct on the
>cryptographt list lately.

Whatever. The modus operandi is for someone to create His Own List 
and then issue the rules and tell people he doesn't want politics 
talked about. Unless, of course, he is the one talking politics, or 
unless he likes what others are saying.

Fine that people want such closed lists, whether Perrypunks, 
Lewispunks, Declanpunks, Hettingapunks, whatever. Just don't 
crosspost from their closed lists to our open list, is all I ask.

(Every time I write a message pointing this out, I can count on 
getting a snippygram from one of them saying that I am perfectly free 
to become a member of their lists and thus be able to post. No 
thanks, on general grounds. Plus, I am not interesting in writing an 
essay and then having my submission blocked by Perry or Lewis or 
whomever. I accept their propertarian right to do such blockage, of 
course. Doesn't make it what I want, or what I think the community 
benefits from.)

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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