My plan to deal with subpoenas to testify

Tim May tcmay at
Wed Dec 6 13:08:13 PST 2000

At 3:52 PM -0500 12/6/00, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>>(Note about expenses: I had heard during the Parker trial that 
>>various witnesses called to travel to Washington were to "submit 
>>travel expense receipts." Is this true? What part of the 
>>Constitution says citizens must
>Yes. It's a standard government form. They also paid something like 
>$25 a day while you waited outside the courtroom before being called 
>to the stand, and $40 a day you actually testified. Yay.

As I said, it's not my job to buy plane tickets, hotel rooms, etc. 
and then fill out a government form.

Actually, I remember someone saying during the Parker case that a 
government travel office would make  all travel and lodging 

Not my job to lend money to the government.

I'm watching a lawyer on the stand in the Seminole County part of the 
rolling trial say that he charges $500 an hour to testify in court 
cases. Sounds like a good fee for me to charge.

--Tim May
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