Matthew X profrv at
Tue Apr 27 20:13:26 PDT 1999

Sorry,I think my computers being hacked by the victorian police computer squad.
That should read,FREE LEONARD PELTIER!.
Leo and I were in the same pen in BC in the 70's.I cant believe he's still 
inside after all these years I've spent fucking around and taking drugs.I 
feel a bit guilty for some reason event though its the criminal evil great 
satan state thats done it.And then clinton the rat, pardons mark rich! If I 
was in a room with him then he would never rape again,or talk,or walk.Also 
in with LP is chris Boyce,a C/punk who loved the great outdoors.Its cruel 
and unusual whats being done to those guys.FUCK the GOVT.

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