CIA covert op on US Customs

Matthew X profrv at
Thu Apr 1 16:26:15 PST 1999
There were some posts at last year linking CIA hatred of 
Customs as motive for assisting the scorpions nest plot to finish off the 
WTC.Not officially sanctioned in the slightest but  there was ongoing human 
intel in-situ in SW Asia regaining stingers and tracing unexploded cruise 
missiles.(those were onsold to China) At the same time Customs disturbed a 
profitable CIA smuggling ring running cigarettes through Turkey in and 
various nuclear,biological and smack products out through NJ.The CIA chief 
in Hamburg had a picture of the WTC Customs head on a dart board.Again NO 
official involvement alleged but some CIA input to 9-11 practically 
certain."The devil finds work..."

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