Clinton--Why I am Chortling

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Tue Sep 15 08:30:12 PDT 1998

> > As for Monica-Clinton, what appears to be the case doesn't matter 
> > in some ideologies. 
> > Can meaningful consent be given with such a power imbalance?

>I don't see a power imbalance here.  If a young woman in her 20's
>invitingly flashes her thong panties at a man, I don't see how she can be
>portrayed as the victim.  The only way that the issue of power arises is
>that Monica was not overwhelmed by someone in power - she was attracted to
>the power.

Obviously you Just Don't Get It.  :-)
The argument tends to be along the lines that if power weren't
so disparate, she wouldn't have to resort to sexual bribery to get 
what she wants, she could just take it, or trade for it as an equal.

>On another but connected note, explain why Monica saved that dress!  I
>found this little tidbit to be the "yuck" factor...

Because, not being totally stupid about Clinton, she thought it might
be convenient to have some evidence around after the fact?
Whether that's for emotional blackmail, or basic blackmail, 
or life insurance, or for convincing Hillary that Bill was hers now, 
or convincing some future publisher that she hadn't made it all up, 
or just because it seemed like it might turn out to be useful in the future,
who knows.  Lots of possibilities.  Or maybe it was just a memento
of a lovely evening :-)  Or of a time when she had the President
wrapped around her little finger.
Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at
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