radio net (fwd)

phelix at phelix at
Thu Sep 10 04:43:23 PDT 1998

On 10 Sep 1998 17:51:31 -0500, Greg Broiles <gbroiles at> wrote:

>If you want to know what crypto regs and net use regs are going to look
>like in 10-20 years, look at the amateur radio regs now - we'll have
>citizens' committees (similar to the "block leaders" on GeoCities) who stay
>up late at night, unpaid, watching their fellow subjects for signs of
>pseudonym use, or the use of unlicensed/unapproved crypto, or "unlicensed
>Internet broadcasting".

Are we already seing this, with CAUCE and USENET II?  Good users are known
users (... and if it stops just one spammer...)

-- Phelix

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