Happy Fourth

Michael Motyka mmotyka at lsil.com
Thu Sep 10 03:08:12 PDT 1998

I'm -almost- ready to admit defeat and move on.

> Did you see the part where I mention that I am (a) an ex-marine,
IMHO Marines burn just like the rest of us wimps. They just don't scream
as much.

> You ever seen 3000 gallons of jet fuel burn,
AOED the biggest fire I've seen was the fire here in CA last month. 6-8
Million tires. Nobody had the balls to put that one out. At peak 1000X
your jet fuel deal. Scary. Very.

> 5 gals. of burning gasoline is NOT a problem. 
ISASI ( it sure as shit is ) if you're wearing it on your back. 

> 5 Gals. cooking off in a sealed container IS a problem.
FYI 5 ounces mixed with compressed air in a metal container could easily
be fatal.

> Fuck you.
Yes, yes, PTMYT ( pleased to meet you too ).

Remember, shit draws flies. There'll just be more geniuses asking how to
make noncryptographic devices. I would enjoy some crypto-tech talk.
Found any cool primitive polynomials lately? Got a good block cipher
with a 4096 bit block size and an even bigger key space? Got some time
to donate to actually put together some good HW/SW systems?


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