Prediction: NAI will issue a "Clarification" about PGP from Europe

John Young jya at
Sun Mar 22 08:26:21 PST 1998

Robert Hettinga wrote:

>John has the drugs. Talk to him. Then you'll ***Understand***...

You talking to me? Look at me! Let's settle this now. Get it 
straight from the purple nose: Not drugs, nuts, A-grade shit, 
highest quality, cheap E$, dosing me and the other Messiahs 
vampiring Big DaddyMommy -- that spaced-out hermaphroditic 
duo's infinitely beyond  psycho-pharmacological cryptanalysis.

Try it, you'll like it. Endorsed by Thor and Brunhilde, Zeus and Juno, 
Samson and Delilah, Amazons and Moses, Cleopatra and  Nero, 
Jesus and FHC,  Atilla and Joan d'Arc, Machiavelli and Teresa de 
Avilla, Nietzsche and Cosima, Hitler and Eva, Ghandi and Queen 
Mary, Elvis and Janis, Paglia and Dice Clay, Teller and Penn, Pogo 
and Dilbert, NSA and BXA, and others here faking normalcy:

Watch for very clear articulation, point by point argument, neat
numbered paragraphs, implacable coherency, occcasional bullet
spray for emphasis, peculiar indents and concussion grenades, 
unpredictable ellipses of EM wipeout, wide-area split infinitives, 
carpet bombs of dangling modifiers, genocidal threats at contra-blancos,
vile accusations of self-flagellations, all with not a hair or beard out 
of place, a sure sign of uh oh, don't jiggle this nitroid.

That's just those who post. The others back there, well. 

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