Petro petro at
Thu Dec 10 10:13:12 PST 1998

At 6:39 PM -0500 12/9/98, Robert Wenzler wrote:
>HaB wrote:
>>     That's a good place to begin, though.  "Would you send a letter to
>> someone without an envelope?"  "Then why not put your email in the
>> electronic equivalent of one?"
>> balance.
>Would I send a letter to someone without an envelope?
>One word: postcard.

	How often do you do this, and how much information do you add to
what is already there?

	Beyond "The scenery is here, wish you were beautiful", how much of
your life story would you circulate on a postcard?
"To sum up: The entire structure of antitrust statutes in this country is a
jumble of economic irrationality and ignorance. It is a product: (a) of a
gross misinterpretation of history, and (b) of rather naïve, and certainly
unrealistic, economic theories." Alan Greenspan, "Anti-trust"

Petro::E-Commerce Adminstrator::Playboy Ent. Inc.::petro at

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