illegal export of by .mil

Sunder sunder at
Fri Apr 3 08:15:10 PST 1998

Instead of making a fuss over this, we should thank the very wise and
very smart sysadmins at these .mil machines for providing this wonderful
service for us.  By making themselves look totally clueless, they've provided
for the spread of privacy and freedom of privacy!  That's truly commendable!

Personally, I will raise my next glass of beer in their honor!  :)  

Robert Hettinga wrote:
> At 2:32 AM -0500 on 4/2/98, David Honig wrote:
> >
> >
> > has a link to
> This is really nothing new. My understanding is that when Kelly Goen posted
> the original PGP to USENET, he set the distribution to US only, or at the
> very least North America only.
> However, some mis-configured news machine actually exported PGP to the rest
> of the world by ignoring the distribution request on those news messages.
> The machine in question had a .mil domain name. :-).
> Cheers,
> Bob Hettinga


.+.^.+.|  Ray Arachelian    |Prying open my 3rd eye.  So good to see |./|\.
..\|/..|sunder at|you once again. I thought you were      |/\|/\
<--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run  |\/|\/
../|\..| "A toast to Odin,  |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/.
.+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were....            |.....
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