STUMP (Was: encouraging digital pseudonyms)

Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at Algebra.COM
Tue Sep 23 13:27:53 PDT 1997

Wei Dai wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Sep 1997, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> > My moderation bot STUMP, available for free download at my Web Site
> >, actively supports pseudonymous posters
> > who identify themselves with PGP.
> It looks pretty good, but the description only says USENET. Can it also be
> used on mailing-lists? 

Yes, it can. Just replace the definition of RNEWS to the call to
resend script.

> If so, can someone who have the resources please
> run it on the cypherpunks list (just the pseudonym feature please, not the
> moderation)? 

I think that people are very leery of using anything with word 
"moderation" in it in cypherpunks mailing lists.

> > STUMP rewrites the From: field for pseudonymous letters, substituting
> > the From: field to the user ID in the PGP key.
> I suggest also putting the PGP key fingerprint into the From: field,
> because the user ID can be forged, making it less useful for filtering
> purposes.

Mmmm, that's not a bad idea. I will think about it and
maybe put it in.


	- Igor.

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