your mail about Dr. Dobbs CD-ROM.

Unicorn hvdl at
Fri Sep 12 03:55:35 PDT 1997

--- On Sep 12, Garrard, David apparently wrote --------------------------------

> Has anyone gotten a copy of the Dr Dobb's Cryptography CDROM outside the
> US yet ?

Nope.  But where did you hear that it was available inside the US

> David Garrard

--- and thus sprach: "Garrard, David" <David.Garrard at> ------------

======= _ __,;;;/ TimeWaster ================================================
     ,;( )_, )~\| A Truly Wise Man Never Plays   PGP: 64 07 5D 4C 3F 81 22 73
    ;; //  `--;     Leapfrog With a Unicorn...        52 9D 87 08 51 AA 35 F0
==='= ;\ = | ==== Youth is not a time in life, it's a State of Mind! ========

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