No Subject

bureau42 Anonymous Remailer remailer at
Wed Sep 10 07:47:53 PDT 1997

Jim Choate wrote:
> Let's look at an admittedly contrived example but I believe it will suffice.
> There are two fires at opposite ends of the coverage area for a fire house.
> On Saturday they receive a call to go to one end, where the wealthy live.
> Would you have the owner pay prior to the firemen putting the fire out?
> Would they pay some premium beforehand? Now on Sunday a fire occurs on the
> other end where the poor are. Assuming they can't pay the bill would the
> firemen drive away? If so, wouldn't this in fact pose a threat not only to
> the other poor but also the wealthy since the fire might spread if it got
> large enough. Would the wealthy then be asked to pay for that run of the
> fire truck? What if they refused, how would the firemen pay for the food to
> feed their family? Perhaps go out and burn down more rich houses...

Contrived? Did you read the post from News of the Weird about the
funeral home owners in Bankok(?) who were paying hospital employees
to murder patients who were known to them and likely to use their
services when they died? (Subject: Oxygen Escrow?)
Sadly, no matter what sicko, bizarre scenario you wish to 'contrive'
in order to illustrate a point, if your point is valid, then it is
likely that you can find a real-life example that runs parallel to it.

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