Wiener paper (was Re: Comparing Cryptographic Key Sizes)

Adam Back aba at
Tue Jun 24 11:10:00 PDT 1997

Re comments that I should re-read the paper, here is what Wiener's
paper says about estimated costs of a specialized DES key breaker:

 $100,000 for a machine to break DES in an average of  35 hrs
 $1 mil   for a machine to break DES in an average of 3.5 hrs
 $10 mil  for a machine to break DES in an average of  21 mins

It was as Peter says published in 1993.

Wiener also budgets for $500,000 in design costs (wages, parts, fab

Another interesting part of the design is that it is based on a
pipelined chip, clocked at 50Mhz which can try 50 Million keys/sec.

35 hours sounds a reasonable amount of time to break a Swift banking
transfer key protecting trillions of dollars of funds.

Perhaps $10,000 isn't too far off the current day costs of breaking
DES after all.  (500Mhz chips?  You can get dec alphas at that speed,
and thats a general purpose CPU)

(If anybody is short of a copy, I've put the one up I've got (no idea
where I got it from) here:

Have *you* exported RSA today? -->

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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