Impact of Netscape kernel hole

Tom Weinstein tomw at
Fri Jun 13 19:00:27 PDT 1997

John Young wrote:
> Still, it would be good to know if a Netscape snooper could snarf a
> key while it is being used by PGP to decrypt, that is, whether the
> hole allows snooping on dynamic ops or just on stored info.
> Does anyone know if the the hole finders are discussing this on the
> Net, and if so, where? What are the folks at Netscape saying? Tom,
> Jeff?

We aren't talking about it much.  We've released some information to
the press and posted a release on our web site.

This attack can be used to grab any file from the user's hard drive,
provided you know the file name and path.  It exploits a bug in the
way forms are handled.  You can guard against this attack by turning
on the warning dialog for submitting a form over an insecure connection.

We have a fix which we are testing now, and we'll have it out early next
week for 4.0.  A fix for 3.x will follow once we have 4.0 fixed.

What is appropriate for the master is not appropriate| Tom Weinstein
for the novice.  You must understand Tao before      | tomw at
transcending structure.  -- The Tao of Programming   |

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