Yet another self-labeling system (do you remember -L18?)

Paul Bradley paul at
Wed Jul 30 12:09:35 PDT 1997

> Let me you way out on a limb, and suggest the following entries, from an
> infoseek search for the workd PICS, would be unabiguously inappropriate
> for children.
> Pissing, Fisting and beastiality! We go to great lengths to bring you
> the Good Old Fashioned ALL AMERICAN Pornography, Just Like Dad Used To
> Watch! Unfortunately, We can't bring you everything!
> 55%     (Size 4.3K) 
> Absolutely the RAUNCHIEST NASTIEST Barely Legal Anal Bitches ANYWHERE!! 
> The ultimate in anal, double anal, double penetration, sloppy oral, and
> gangbang action!!! 100% GUARANTEED free xrated pics Action!
> 55%     (Size 4.5K)

We can clearly come to no agreement here as I cannot see any material 
listed above which would be harmful in any way to a viewer, child or not. 

>     I don't think I need much justification to suggest that "the
> ultimate in anal, double anal, double penetration, sloppy oral, and
> gangbang action" is unsuitable for viewing by "a certain class of
> people," --- namely children.  Do you seriously dispute this?  If so,
> there isn't much point in debating this.  

Yes I do seriously dispute this. Can you tell me what in this material is 
damaging in any way, can you cite examples, can you give causal evidence 
of damage?

> That's what is going on now.  Why one would want to encourage this is
> beyond me.  Maybe fighting for the right to show  the "ultimate in anal,
> double anal, double penetration" to children has redeeming value that I
> don't appreciate.  

Then you fail to see the simple point of the redeeming value of true free 
speech, there are no grey areas, you either believe it or you don`t.

        Datacomms Technologies data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul at
  Paul at, Paul at    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

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