New Crypto Application

David Macfarlane dmac at
Tue Jul 29 05:38:25 PDT 1997

Craig Strickland wrote:
> I then retail the software as a 2-component system (distantly like PGP 2.6.3i
> could have been) on the web.  FTP the "shell" from my domestic site, and FTP
> the "crypto" from the foreign site.  Both install to make the seamless
> finished product.
> Anyone seen anything in ITAR addressing such a hiring arrangement?

My memory is a bit foggy on this one, but didn't the gov't ask 
Netscape (and others?) to stop producing programs with the hooks
for strong encryption in them, in spite of the fact that they 
did _not_ provide that strong encryption?  It was pretty weird
at the time, and hard to believe, but the discussions it 
generated then should be in the archives somewhere.

On the other hand, the political climate wrt ITAR is changing,
so you may not have to go to such lengths in the near future.

dmac at

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